Bulletins, Memos, and Reference Guides
- Abolition of Corporal Punishment - BUL-5747.2
- Act of Violence - BUL-5047.1
- Cell Phone Use by Students - BUL-5468.0
- Administrative Searches to Ensure School Safety - BUL-5424.2
- Bullying and Hazing Policy - BUL-5212.3
- CA Paid Parental Leave for Eligible District Employees - BUL-6861.0
- Child Abuse Reporting Requirements - BUL-1347.4
- Cell Phone Use by Students - BUL-5468.0
- Certification of Absence Forms - BUL-6307.5
- Code of Conduct with Students Distribution Requirement - BUL-5167.0
- Compliance with the 1976 US Copyright Law - BUL-714
- Discipline Foundation Policy - BUL-6231.0
- Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco-Free Workplace - BUL-6488.0
- Emergency Drills and Procedures - REF-5803.3
- Employee Attendance Policy
- Employee Code of Ethics
- Employment and Salary Verification Req - REF-086302.0
- Employment Protections and Accommodations for Employee Stafety at Work - BUL-6585.1
- Ethics Policies - BUL-4748.0
- Explosive Devices Threats and Suspicious Objects - BUL-6460.0
- Expulsion of Students Policy and Procedures - BUL-6050.1
- Falsification of Records - BUL-3723
- Family Medical Leave Act - BUL-1205.6
- Field Trip Handbook - REF-2111.1
- Hate Motivated Incidents and Crimes - BUL-2047.2
- Homework and Makeup Assignments - BUL-3491.1
- Information Protection Policy - BUL-1077.2
- Injury and Illness Prevention Program - BUL-3772.3
- Jury Service for Certificated - BUL-4223.3
- Legally Mandated Paid Sick Leave for Eligible Employees - BUL-6529.1
- Lockdown and Rapid Relocation Procedures - BUL-5469.2
- Mandated Reporting of Certain Student Behavior - BUL-3927.2
- Marking Practices and Procedures in Secondary Schools - BUL-1353.1
- Military Access to Schools - BUL-2067.1
- MISIS Student Support Moduel Required Useage - BUL-5808.4
- Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment - BUL-6612.1
- Nondiscrimination Required Notices - MEM-5818.4
- Outside District Employment or Activities - BUL-049895.0
- Performance Evaluation for UTLA Personnel - BUL-5335.7
- Policy Regarding Internet Safety for Students - BUL-5181.2
- Reasonable Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities - BUL-4569.1
- Respectful Treatment of Others
- Responsible Use Policy for District Computers and Network Systems - BUL-999.13
- Secondary Official Roll Book - REF-6294.3
- Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - BUL-4692.7
- Sexual Harassment Policy - BUL-3349.1
- Sexual Harassment Policy Employee-to-Employee - BUL-1893.1
- Social Media Policy for Employees and Associated Persons - BUL-5688.2
- Social Media Policy for Students - BUL-6399.2
- Student and Employee Security - BUL-5721.1
- Student Suspension Guidelines - BUL-5655.2
- Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention - BUL-2637.3
- Superintendents Emergency Notification System - REF-5483.1
- Teaching About Religions Guidelines - BUL-5479.2
- Title IX Policy-Grievance Procedure - BUL-2521.2
- Transgender Students Ensuring Equality and Nondiscriminiation - BUL-6224.1
- Uniform Complaint Procedures - BUL-5159.9
- Updating Personal and Emergency Contact Info_9-21-16
- Use of Audiovisual Materials Guidelines - BUL-5210
- Vendors at or Near School Campuses - BUL-4994.0
- Visitors to School Campuses - BUL-6492.2
- Williams Complaint Procedures - BUL-4759.4
- Workplace Violence, Bullying and Threats - BUL-5798.0